Energy Booster! Surviving the Holidays with Beauty Pillow

Boosting your energy over the holidays is easy with Beauty Pillows range of sleep support pillows, silk accessories and new skin serums for day and night with active skincare ingredients

Getting through the Holiday Season can be tricky at the best of times. Add the last few years into the mix and honestly, we’re hoping they give participation awards for making it this far! 

So, how do you keep your energy levels high enough to have fun, work, sleep, take care of yourself and shop for Holiday Gifts? With Beauty Pillow of course!

Making the time to care

Making time for yourself every day in any season is important. During the Holidays you might find that time slipping away as the stress of the season takes over. Shopping, cooking, wrapping, office parties, the list is endless!

Making a daily appointment with yourself will help to set you up for mental and physical success. 

Take the time to exercise and stretch. Exercise releases endorphins that promote a positive mindset and increase energy levels. After long hours hunched at a desk or on your feet, your muscles and joints will love the release of stretching and elongation. 

Use the Knee Pillow between the legs, between the ankles or under the hip joint for side sleepers or elevate the knees and thighs for back sleepers

Adding a functional beauty tool like the Knee Pillow for sleeping is a great way to actively support your back, legs and hips in sleep. 

A knee support pillow is designed for use in sleep or to elevate the leg for active rest. Use the knee wedge pillow when sleeping on your side to align the spine, reducing vertebral tension and strain. Or use under the legs like other leg support pillows, to reduce strain and muscular pulling through the lower back. 

For something a little more gentle, active mediation like facial yoga or Gua Sha massage is a great way to take the time to connect and reflect. Facial yoga might look and feel a bit funny at first but we hold a lot of tension in our faces. Stretching and toning the muscles in our face can help to ease tension and simultaneously create a more toned face. 

Using a Gua Sha massage stone can have a similar effect to facial yoga. Gua Sha tools are typically flat stones with curves that align to the shape of your face. Because Gua Sha is a massage technique that uses repeated movement to target the facial muscles, using a skin serum as a base for the massage is recommended. 

For a refreshing morning wake up, why not start your day with Beauty Pillow’s Brightening Day Serum and Gua Sha massage? The Brightening Serum is designed to brighten the skin with Vitamin C and hydrate with Hyaluronic Acid and Panthenol. 

Active Liposomal Vitamin C for brightening, Hyaluronic Acid to moisturize and Panthenol to smooth in the Beauty Pillow Day Brightening Serum

Liposomal Vitamin C skin benefits include brightening the skin tone, reducing dark spots and boosting the skin by protecting against free radicals and environmental stressors like UV Rays. Liposomal Vitamin C is more shelf stable and longer lasting than traditional ascorbic acid, which quickly oxidizes and loses potency. 

Hyaluronic Acid is a great tool for use in daily skincare routines. It’s a powerful hydrator, working to prevent transepidermal water loss by hydrating the skin and keeping the moisture barrier in check. 

You might be thinking: Can I use Hyaluronic Acid with Vitamin C and Panthenol? Yes! These actives play well together, working to hydrate the skin and prevent damage by supporting the skin’s barrier. Skin will look and feel refreshed and radiant.

Using a panthenol moisturizer as an active serum ingredient helps to further lock in moisture and protect the skin. The smoothing Panthenol benefits for skin will help your Gua Sha glide smoothly with no tension or pulling, for an invigorating morning massage. 

Meet the nutrient rich Rejuvenating Night Serum by Beauty Pillow. Packed with Bio Bifida, Hyaluronic Acid and Arnica Extract, the night serum will smooth and soften the skin overnight.

For night time Gua Sha massage, there’s the Beauty Pillow Rejuvenating Night Serum

Winding down with your Gua Sha after a long day is a great way to relax and reflect on your day. Combining your facial massage with the Rejuvenating Night Serum will help to boost the efficacy of the product as it gets absorbed into the skin. 

The Night Serum is packed with nutrient rich ingredients to even skin tone, for a smoother, fresher face every morning. The powerhouse Bio Bifida is a concentrated source of protein, lactose, lactic acid, vitamins and minerals that gently exfoliate and even skin tone and texture. 

Supporting the active bifida skincare are Hyaluronic Acid and Arnica Extract. Hyaluronic Acid’s hydrating benefits makes it suitable for use twice a day. Arnica Extract benefits are well known for reducing dark spots and reducing inflammation. 

Partnering your facial massage with the Rejuvenating Night Serum will help your products to absorb faster, for more effective night time skincare. 

Calming Your Mind and Letting It Go

Relaxing and unwinding before bed is one of the best ways to teach your body that bed time is coming. We’re all so busy and so connected, it can be hard to put the phone or computer down or switch off the latest binge worthy series. 

Studies show that reducing exposure to blue light for at least 30 but preferably 90 minutes before bed is better for your circadian rhythm. So, how do you switch off when we’re always on?

Create an at home spa experience with Lavender scented Pillow Mist and 22 Momme Mulberry Silks by Beauty Pillow

Sometimes, it’s about tricking yourself! 

When we want to make it nice, we need to set the scene. Why not start with an at-home spa experience? 

If you’re a bath person, run a bath with essential oils. Lavender oil aromatherapy has been shown to positively reduce stress levels and increase relaxation. Using essential oils for baths is a great way to create your very own aromatherapy lavender spa. 

Carry the spa vibes into the bedroom with a lavender aroma home pillow mist. Beauty Pillow’s Pillow Mist is designed to create a relaxing smell-scene for you to relax into. Lightly spray the anti stress pillow mist on your Beauty Pillow or your Silk Pillowcase before you get into bed. 

The smell of lavender will gently waft over you as you settle into sleep. 

Catching your Z’s - Consistent Sleep 

Sleep is a funny thing. Everyone needs it but not everyone needs the same amount. One thing we do all need is a consistent sleep schedule. 

Every night, our bodies cycle through different stages of sleep. Getting deep sleep helps our brains and bodies to reset and recharge from the stress of the day. Sleep is where memories are hardwired and even our emotions are processed more fully. Without consistent sleep, these processes are interrupted. 

This is why, when we operate on only limited sleep, we tend to be more emotional, and are unable to focus or process complex information efficiently. Boosting your sleep not only affects your mood and productivity. It improves the look and feel of your skin. 

Perfect skin, perfect sleep with Beauty pillow's Anti Aging sleep technology. Use the patented sleep zones for overnight skin and body support, for the beauty sleep of your dreams.

Improving your sleep quality with an anti wrinkle face pillow like the Beauty Pillow is about more than just vanity. The Beauty Pillow is the best anti wrinkle pillow for side sleepers and back sleepers thanks to its patented sleep zones.

The head cradle and side cut outs help to comfortably position the head, reducing nightly facial compression and reducing movement. What helps to make the best anti wrinkle pillow even better is the partner anti wrinkle pillow case, the Skin+ Pillowcase

While the Beauty Pillow prevents compression wrinkles and sleep lines from forming, the Skin+ works to release antioxidant carotenoids to repair and rejuvenate tired skin cells. Antioxidants are powerful tools in any skincare routine. These powerful molecules prevent the damage done to the skin by free radicals like sun exposure and pollution. 

For an added body boost, sleeping with additional support pillows for targeted areas of the body can help to support the skin as you sleep. 

The chest Pillow works as a cleavage separator for overnight breast and chest support. Prevent sleep wrinkles, sleep lines and creases and support muscles in your neck and shoulders with the Chest Pillow

Add a pillow for breasts like the Chest Pillow will help to increase the efficiency of anti wrinkle treatments. The pillow bra works as a chest separator to prevent sleep wrinkles from forming in the chest and lower neck. The Chest Pillow for wrinkle prevention also helps to prevent chest asymmetry and reduce muscle strain from favoring one side. 

For side sleepers, using a knee pillow for sleeping on side is a great way to help align the spine. Using a between knee pillow will help to reduce lumbar or sciatic strain and tension overnight. 

Support your body in sleep with the range of orthopedic sleep support pillows and sleep accessories from the Beauty Pillow Collection.

Shop the latest additions to the Beauty Pillow Collection! Pillow Mist and Skincare Serums, 22 Momme Mulberry Silks, Anti Aging Support Pillows and more at Beauty Pillow!